Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Putting the Pieces Together

Our job, as educators, is to help students make sense of their world.  Whether that is in the traditional curriculum or the hidden curriculum, we play a significant role in developing both critical thinkers and strong community members.

In this learning activity, students are using their senses to discover and predict.  By "putting the pieces" of information together, they make inferences about what's hidden within the bag.

In the above series of pictures, students are "putting the pieces" of history and geography together.  What makes this such a special lesson is that it adds math and social studies skills, plus it has differentiates skill (scripts for struggling learners and challenge activities for enrichment)

This Flyertime visual demonstrates the interwoven relationships we have with each other.  Our similarities, our differences, our beliefs and values all come together to form a perfect puzzle.  Anytime we can reinforce tolerance, we identify that we are all just "putting the pieces together."

When we identify a purpose for learning, we help kids make sense of their learning so that they can "put the pieces together."

When students have completed an inquiry-based activity, it's important to "put the pieces together."

Your wall art provides a great opportunity to "put the pieces together" when you display their work with a rubric that highlights their expectations.

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