Thursday, October 2, 2014

By the Numbers...

Let's give our math teachers some props!  Implementing a new curriculum is never easy, but then add to it the fact that this curriculum is stretching students as never before, and the result is a challenging start to the year.

However, there's a reason we are the number one performing middle school in math...our math teachers, just like all of our TMS staff, have a plan to combat this challenge.  By creating authentic learning opportunities and giving students a chance to muddle through, they are designing lessons that enhance critical thinking.  Here are a few (there are so many more that I don't have documented) examples of how "everything is awesome" in math.  NOTE:  I already had a post entitled "Everything is Awesome!" so I compromised with "By the Numbers..."  Enjoy!

Making the abstract concrete with some kinesthetic learning.

Making numbers real in ways that conceptualize life.
 Sometimes we just have to learn the facts, but that doesn't mean it has to be boring - sing it with me...

And this is from last year, but let's face it. EVERYTHING IS AWESOME:

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