Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Data is a Symptom, And Our Symptoms Show...

that Truman Middle School is an EXCELLENT place for teaching and learning!

I don't spend the school year concerned about data; in fact, outside of data team meetings, I rarely think about it at all.  Instead, I question whether kids are thinking:  are they making connections between ideas? analyzing and synthesizing new learning?  applying their newly acquired skills to a broader context?  Those questions are what keeps me awake at night because in the end, that's what kids need to be successful in life.

Standardized tests are just a measuring tool, a way to try to gauge whether students are gaining the necessary skills and knowledge for future learning and success. To me, strong test data is a symptom of good instruction.  And, we have great instruction at TMS!

Folks, the numbers don't lie (courtesy of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch's website)....

TRUMAN MIDDLE SCHOOL IS NUMBER ONE IN THE STATE for Math and ELA performance when compared to other public, traditional middle schools.  And, we are NUMBER THREE IN THE STATE for Science scores!

On top of that, check out these great numbers...

In ELA, our African American scores increased 5.2 percentage points, our multi-racial scores increased by 23.9 percentage points, IEP increased by 12.6 percentage points, and free/reduced lunch increased by 7 percentage points.  In total, our ELA Super Subgroup went up by 5.2 percentage points.

In Math, our African American scores increased by 23.2 percentage points, multi-racial by 5.9 percentage points, and free/reduced lunch by 6.4 percentage points.  As a result, our math Super Subgroup also increased.

In Science, our African American scores increased by 33.3 percentage points, multi-racial increased by 50 percentage points, IEP students increased by 20.8 percentage points, free/reduced scores increased by 20.8 percentage points. Overall, our science Super Subgroup increased by 13.1 percentage points.

Our subgroup achievement growth shows that we are improving opportunities for those groups who have traditionally had achievement gaps.  And, we do this, not by targeting these populations for special incentives, support, etc., but by focusing on teaching and learning for all kids!

Here's why I think we have such great student achievement:
  1. YOU!  You care about your students.    
  2. Our collaboration.  The work we do in PLCs, horizontal teams and vertical teams is a system that reduces redundancy in learning and ensures a cohesive learning environment.
  3. YOU!  You design curriculum and instruction that's relevant and engaging.
  4. Data analysis.  We analyze what our students can do independently and we use that information to gauge strengths and weaknesses and reteach as necessary.
  5. YOU!  You watch their growth in your classroom and make adjustments and motivate them to improve.
Thank you for continuing to focus on learning because I never want to be the school that only concerns itself with what the numbers say.

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