Monday, August 31, 2015

Analogous Learning

Marzano noted it throughout his research - comparisons lead to enhanced learning.  So, as you are working with students on skill, knowledge, life...make comparisons, make contrasts, make analogies, use metaphors.  But, don't make it a secret.  Explain how it's analogous...the more explicit, the better!

B4 is to battleship as latitude and longitude are to map locations.

Inch is to ruler as centimeter is to meter stick. 

Internet is to 2015 as card catalog is to 1985.

Zentangles is the to mind as yoga is to the body.

Direct quote is to paraphrase as recall is to summarize . 

RAP is to writing as ____________________ is to _______________________. Fill in your ideas in the comments below.


  1. RAP is to writing as a skeleton is to a body: it provides structure! RAP is to writing as a road map is to driving: it gives direction!

  2. RAP is to writing as ice is to soda, it is necessary to enjoy both!
