Wednesday, November 26, 2014

There's an App for That (Comments Wanted!)

Want to have student do more work with the speaking and listening standards of CCSS?  There's an app for that...Spreaker Radio is a free app that allows students to become on-air personalities, mixing their voices with music and sound effects, creating podcasts, etc.

Want to have students watch or design their DIY projects?  There's an app for that...Instructables is a free app with over 100,000 tutorials and a way to upload student-designed tutorials.

Want to have students demonstrate their knowledge by teaching a friend?  There's an app for that...Educreations is a free app for iPad where kids show what they know through an interactive whiteboard.

I challenge you to share apps that you've found in the comments below.  There are so many great tools that we can use in the classroom, and they're developed daily!


  1. Quizlet is a great app for students to use in a variety of ways. It is a free app for both teachers and students. I use the app for vocabulary review. Students enjoy race to the finish, trying to beat their scores on vocabulary and the flash card option as a studying tool.

  2. Use duolingo (a free app) to learn a new language!

  3. Plickers is a quick way to check for understanding during a lesson!

  4. Sherry, I'm going to use Plickers at our next faculty meeting - it should be fun!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
